
90% Arabica, 10% Robusta Strong Blend

There are two main species of the coffee plant. Coffea arabica is the older of them. It is thought to be indigenous to Ethiopia, but as the name implies it was first cultivated on the Arabian Peninsula. It is more susceptible to disease, and considered by professional cuppers to be greatly superior in flavor to Coffea canephora (robusta).

Arabica coffees were traditionally named by the port they were exported from, the two oldest being Mocha, from Yemen, and Java, from Indonesia. The modern coffee trade is much more specific about origin, labeling coffees by country, region, and sometimes even the producing estate. Coffee aficionados may even distinguish auctioned coffees by lot number.

Rodusta Coffee contains about twice as much caffeine—a natural insecticide—and can be cultivated in environments where arabica will not thrive.

Compared to arabica, robusta tends to be more bitter, with a telltale "burnt rubber" aroma and flavor. Good quality robustas are used as ingredients in some espresso blends to provide a better "crema" (foamy head), and to lower the ingredient cost. In Italy many espresso blends are based on dark-roasted robusta.

We formed a special blend of 90% Arabica and 10% Robusta to give that edge or kick that some sick after a cup of coffee. This is the typical cup of coffee you would have at a café, rest assured though there is nothing typical about Verona, once you have it, it will be your synonim to the word Coffee.

Oh, and something very important, Verona is the best blend for Freddos! The best companion for those hot Cyprus summers.

Caffe Cagliari

A classic blend of sweet Arabica coffee and intense Robusta gives a…

With EspressMe Verona coffee blend and Kalerm Pro coffee machine you can make